Trump and Galactic Federation Plan to make US the Hub For Exotic ET Technology

1 month ago

08.01.2025 Video Credit #MichaelSalla - George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee and secret space program participant who explains the four different kinds of craft that make up the mystery drone phenomenon appearing worldwide. He describes the first category as spacecraft belonging to multiple extraterrestrial civilizations. The second category is exotic craft belonging to corporate-run programs using reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technologies. The third category is advanced drones used by Earth militaries, while the fourth category is commercial drones used by the general public.
Most startling is Kavassila’s revelation that Donald Trump is working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds to build and release advanced technologies that the Deep State has suppressed for decades. Trump will be allowed to make the US the manufacturing hub for exotic technologies that will usher in a galactic age for global humanity and likely lead to him becoming the Earth’s first President.
This is Part One of a two-part interview series recorded on Jan 8, 2025.
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