20.01.25 Trump's full Executive Order signing

1 month ago

... in the new Restored Republic and what the executive orders are. 🖊 📜
Cliff noted - 📝
In my opinion, the restoration & re-backing of the 1st amendment was the most important executive order signed today.
Not because they are not all important but that without your 1st amendment rights, none of them are possible.
Your freedom of speech 💬 is back!
If anyone tries to step on your 1st, 4th or 5th amendment rights, you use that language and site this executive order number and threaten to sue for breach of these God given inalienable rights! 📜 ✅️
Never let this one get away again- 🆓️
Protect it and exercise it -
Rights 📜 are like muscles 💪 if you don't exercise them, they go away. ✨️
Donald Trump has just signed a wave of groundbreaking presidential orders. ⚡️
Here’s The Full List of all 40 Presidential Actions President Trump Signed on Day One

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