We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel ~ The White Hat Struggle to Defeat Evil...

1 month ago

Billy Joel is a Gifted Musician, Singer and Songwriter, and Billy Joel is a Freemason...and the Song, We Didn't Start the Fire, is the Ultimate Freemason Anthem of the Post WWII years, where the Cabal, or Canaanites, tried EVERYTHING they could to Finish Off the Human Race, while the Masons did EVERYTHING they could to Thwart these Evil Plans, Plots and Warmongers with Solutions, while ultimately Planning the Defeat of the Canaanites thru their Brilliant Efforts during the 1980's, as by 1989, the Cabal had been Defeated: the Soviet Union Collapsed, the Berlin Wall Fell, their Eastern Bloc Crumbled, the Cabal's seemingly Endless supply of Money had been exhausted and their Control of Societal Institutions Removed...

This Song IS the True History of Mankind, post WWII, as Billy Joel recounts the Endless War between these Two Factions (Good vs. Evil), and the ultimate victory of the White Hats...during the Song, ALL the Historical Names, Places and Events mentioned ALL were Key Moments within this White Hat Struggle to Defeat Evil, as each of these People, Places and Things were related to the War for Control over this Earth...

Note the Clues that Billy Joel left in the Song for those to Find who had a Passion for Seeking the Truth...

'Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe...'

This first Verse set the Stage for the Post WWII Cold War between Godliness and Godlessness, with all of the Key Players and Elements listed...

'We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it...'

And with the Chorus, the Lines are CLEAR, [They] Endlessly Started Malevolence, while the White Hats Endlessly Fought it, as Giving up against Evil is simply NOT an Option...

Also note how the Events within the Song start with Harry Truman becoming the President in 1945 and Complete with the Collapse of the Soviet Empire and the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990, for a 45 year Stroll thru the Annals of our True History, and 45 relates to our 45th - 47th President, Donald J. Trump...

Ultimately, We Didn't Start the Fire, stands as a stunning achievement of Rock and Roll Songwriting, as within 4 minutes, Billy Joel captured the Essence, both in Sound, and the Historical References, of the War between Good and Evil, that would have Gone On and On and On, had not the White Hats Unified, and Stepped in to Take Down the Cabal, Forevermore...

With Great Love,

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