Five Years of Fighting for the Persecuted

1 month ago

This is pretty raw. Some of it has never been shared. I've condensed 5 years of fighting for school parents targeted as so-called "domestic terrorists" into 10 min. I have three hopes in putting out this mini-documentary:

That you will share the story of the next group of people desperately needing justice and restitution, now that the J6 hostages are pardoned. Yes, going viral would help.
That you'll understand that I am only here doing FreedomTalk. because thousands of ordinary people came to my coffee shop desperate for help, starting in 2020.
That you will write to your representatives and the Trump administration, urging them to help these people, many of whom are still trying to rebuild their lives

We must NEVER forget those who were targeted by tyrants because they stood up for the vulnerable, and we must make sure they get the justice and restitution due.

We were treated like criminals, but those who abused their authority are the criminals.

Mine is just one of many stories, a window into the struggles many families have endured. (I'm not the point, just a case study.) And I'm still fighting for justice and restitution for the SCHOOL PARENTS targeted by corrupt Merrick Garland, Biden and the National School Board Association.

I love our people and their freedoms are worth fighting for. God bless America! And thank you for watching.

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