Anti-Trump thugs are clashing with J6 groups outside the DC jail, where J6ers will soon be released

13 days ago

Date Word Received: Aug 18, 2022

Everything is changing. The shift has begun. The shift of what, Lord? The shift of political power. The shift from their system into My system. The shift from a One World Government controlling everything to My children taking back control of what was already theirs. The shift of a revival out of complacency and just putting up with everything going on in this world and your own personal lives to receiving from Me what I have already provided. My children, that means everything you needed before you needed it. Everything has already been given, and now it is time for you to receive it. A shift of possessions has begun- a shift from their narrative controlling the Earth to one where truth is released, setting the captives free. It is all coming to an explosive place. So brace for this impact. It's coming, My children. Get ready for the flood of truth I have been speaking of that will turn this world right side up instead of being upside down, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

January 20, 2025

⚠️Anti-Trump protestors are clashing with J6 Freedom groups outside the DC jail, where J6ers will soon be released

The anti-Trump agitators are now being REMOVED by police, sparking fury…

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