9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 58, the Inauguration of Donald Trump & The NWO, Jan 21 2025

1 month ago

Pedophilic Satanic Psychotic POS MF's RUN THE SHOW! That's what it is it's a fucking SHOW. The Media and your television is ENEMY #1 - you can't COMPLY your way out of TYRANNY!!! Keep up hope and faith in Humanity in spite of the OBVIOUS - that humanity is at the CROSS ROADS - We are at WAR - We are being attacked in so many ways, and this year 2025, is the real BEGINING of the END. Remember the forecasts by DEAGEL? A WORLDWIDE EUGENICS PLAN is in play, and people across the globe are dying from the KILL SHOT left and right. They want to try it again. The worst case scenario is that you ONLY OPEN YOUR EYES when your back is against the wall. There is so much turmoil, and the focus is on America because it is the LAST STAND for HUMANITY! Remember to balance out this DOOM with Living Life to the FULLEST. Be kind to strangers, demonstrate your compassion and humanity. Spread the good word about the Great Awakening that has been stirred up since 9/11. 24 years, and numerous false flag attacks and worst of all the COVID19 Debacle, are attacks on our psyche (Mind Body Spirit), the raw attempts to steal your souls in the culmination of their Eugenics plans. Admit it - you've been bamboozled... it's in your face. Wake up and Wake the Others - do everything in your power. Go from one person to the next explaining the TRUTH. The way has been paved for you to have your AHA! Moment. The moment you realize you've been lied to about your entire existence, you will be pissed off. But you will enter into Consciousness. When you wake up there is no turning back or making excuses. You may shy away from it for just that reason, but that is cowardly, weak, and lame. Don't do things for Glory Fame or Fortune, Do it for the right and good reasons. Don't fear God Almighty, and see eye to eye with the Creator. You are not just some meat covered skeleton riding a rock hurtling through space and time. You are consciousness that had the real life stolen from you by the lies of ages, and watch out when the sleeping GIANT - AMERICA - AWAKENS!!! Doug is raw and has righteous Indignation. Running Time 1 hr 47 mins.

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