How to make long lasting DIY Fire Plugs! + DIY Fire Plugs VS Bigfoot Bush Craft Fire Starters!

17 days ago

In this video I am going to show you STEP BY STEP how to make your very own fire starters just like the ones in this video. These fire plugs are a great way to light a camp fire, wood stove or rocket stove.... basically get any fire going when you need it.(BONUS) Plus I will put my DIY fire starters( DIY fire PLUGS) to the ultimate test. I will go head to head with Bigfoot Bushcraft fire plugs and see if I can beat them in three different categories. Wind proof, water proof and a 5 PLUS Minute burn time! I cant wait to see what happens! So stay tuned!

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Cotton Dental rolls on AMAZON-
Bigfoot Bushcraft Fire Plugs on AMAZON:
Gulf Wax available at Walmart.(usually in the baking section near Jello stuff) Also available at Amazon.

Follow me on Instagram @outdoormike1

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