Heilon Muskler?

2 months ago

Why did Elon throw a Friedensgruss/salute of peace?
I dont think that things like that happen by accident. This was most likely planned in advance for some reason. The question is WHY?
Chesters-hat off for a second, and conspiracy thinking cap on:
Is this to spark a discussion wich will is meant to ultimatively lead to a ban of the roman salute/Hitlergruss in the US?
(Like already in place in AusJailia and in progress in Swissieland)

Freedom of speech and expression doesnt care if you agree with what is being said/expressed. Its a matter of priciples. They always go first for the most unpopular person/opinon, if they want to take it away from you. If you dont defend it, you might find your own opinions on the chopping block next.

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