Tangerine Tiramisu Recipe🍊

11 days ago

Tangerine Tiramisu

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Savoyardi cookies 200 g
Mascarpone 500 g
Cream 33% 200 g
Powdered sugar 70 g
Peeled tangerines, divided into slices 400 g
Sugar 120-180 g (if tangerines are sour take 180 g)
Tangerine slices for decoration 4 pieces

Cooking method:
1. Peel tangerines from skin and seeds, grind with a blender. Strain through a sieve if necessary.
2. Pour into a saute pan, mix with sugar. Bring to a boil and cool.
3. Using mixer whip cold cream with mascarpone until thickening (everything will have a creamy consistency). Add powdered sugar.
4. Dip savoyardi cookies into tangerine juice and put them into a shape.
5. Divide cream into 2 parts for more convenience. Apply one part of cream on cookies.
6. Put the second layer of cookies on top of the cream.
7. Decorate with tangerine slices and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
8. Leave in the fridge for 4 hours.


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