If China lost money on ALL BRICS projects, so what?

1 month ago

American logistics expert reports from China video: If China lost money on ALL BRICS projects, so what? How China recycles its huge trade surplus with EU, US into BRICS infrastructure projects, risk-free 如果中國在所有金磚國家計畫上投資都虧損,跟本就是不痛不癢! 中國如何將與歐盟、美國的巨額貿易順差無風險地轉化為金磚國家基礎建設項目.

Chinese officials have released $250 million in loans to complete a railroad project in Nigeria. This project is one of hundreds across China's Belt-and-Road Initiative, which develops major infrastructure in across the BRICS and Global South countries.

China increasingly uses loans and equity investments denominated in US dollars or Euro. By using its enormous trading surpluses with Europe (over a billion Euro per day) and the United States ($1.4 billion per day), China can afford massive investments, with no risk to their own banks or currency, the renminbi.

中國官員已發放 2.5 億美元貸款,用於完成尼日利亞的鐵路計畫。 該項目是中國「一帶一路」倡議中數百個項目之一,該倡議旨在金磚國家和全球南方國家建設重要基礎設施。

中國越來越多地使用以美元或歐元計價的貸款和股權投資。 透過利用其與歐洲(每天超過 10 億歐元)和美國(每天 14 億美元)的巨額貿易順差,中國可以進行大規模投資,而不會對本國銀行或貨幣人民幣帶來任何風險.

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