Rest in Peace Peter Yarrow: Blowin' in the Wind

2 months ago


Hi, I’m Frank Clark and I’m recording stories from my life in my words for my grandchildren, because you never know how much time you have left. This one is about the passing of Peter Yarrow, who sang Blowin' in the Wind, a Bob Dylan song, at the March on Washington on August 28,1963. Doctor Martin Luther King gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech on that day. What they marched for is still something we are striving to achieve in America today. 87 days after the March on Washington, on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated . A little less than five years later, on April 4, 1968, Doctor King himself was assassinated. And 63 days later, President Kennedy's brother Robert, who was well on his way to be nominated the democrat party's presidential candidate, was also assassinated. President Donald Trump, who has survived two assassination attempts himself, has promised to release all U.S. government investigation reports on the three civil rights advocates. Maybe we will finally find out the truth about why they were killed.

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