Olivet Discourse Bible Study 12: The Second Seal of Revelation

1 month ago

- What will happen when the second seal is opened?
- Zechariah compared to the 4 horses of Revelation.
- Comparing scripture to scripture.
- Smoke and fire!

Coming soon: CAREFUL study of Matthew 10:23 and, God-willing, I’ll be sharing what I’m uncovering regarding Apollyon/ Apollo- as I recently have been shocked at what I’m finding! Thus far I’m up to 12 items of evidence that Apollo/ Apollyon (same entity) is the first seal rider.

Yeah. My jaw keeps dropping.

Not your thing? No worries, we’ll see ya next time!

Tartaria (old): https://non-toxic-home.org/f/lucifer-luciferia-and-tartaria

1000-year Reign (also old- I have hundreds of additional verses now as proof- if not more): https://odysee.com/@nontoxichome:1/has-the-1000-year-reign-already-happened:c

Christmas Trees (again, old- just an overview): https://non-toxic-home.org/f/christmas-trees-in-the-bible

My Study Tools and How I Study: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/the-best-bible-study-tools-for-the-original-meaning

Olivet Discourse Playlist: https://odysee.com/$/playlist/9e92a6943b07a77227c1af0ccbd7d8bcc3ea0e7f

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