Magnificent "Birdie Cake"🐦: Bake this sweet treat for your family!✨

15 hours ago

Do you want to surprise your family and friends with an unrivaled dessert?🤔
We'll show you how to create the popular "Birdie Сake" with a fluffy honey layers, light custard-based creme and with original handmade chocolate icing🍯🍰
This is the perfect cake for any occasion or just to please yourself and your beloved ones😍

🌟 What You’ll Learn:
✔️how to achieve a perfect texture of honey layers
✔️what ingredients to use for fluffy and airy custard cream
✔️how to make ULTIMATIVE glossy chocolate icing

📢 Why Watch?
Looking for a Unique dessert that’s as delicious as it is beautiful? In this video, we’re teaching you how to make the incredible "Birdie Cake", a treat that’s light, fluffy, and guaranteed to impress. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced baker, this recipe is for you!

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Have questions or your own cake recipes? Drop them in the comments below!

📖 Recipe Below:

150 g sugar
140 g honey
100 g unsalted butter
a pinch of salt
3 eggs
1tsp baking soda
1 p vanilla sugar
550 g all-purpose flour

700 ml milk
150 g sugar
2 eggs
50 g corn starch
a pinch of salt
1 p vanilla sugar
200 g butter
3-4 tbsp condensed milk

*chocolate icing*
170 g sugar
60 g cocoa powder
160 g milk
100 g unsalted butter

150 g Zucker
140 g Honig
100 g ungesalzene Butter
eine Prise Salz
3 Eier
1 Teelöffel Backpulver
1 P. Vanillezucker
550 g Allzweckmehl

700 ml Milch
150 g Zucker
2 Eier
50 g Speisestärke
eine Prise Salz
1 P Vanillezucker
200 g Butter
3-4 Esslöffel Kondensmilch

170 g Zucker
60 g Kakaopulver
160 g Milch
100 g ungesalzene Butter

150 g de azúcar
140 g de miel
100 g de mantequilla sin sal
una pizca de sal
3 huevos
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato
1 p de azúcar vainillado
550 g de harina

700 ml de leche
150 g de azúcar
2 huevos
50 g de almidón de maíz
una pizca de sal
1 p de azúcar vainillado
200 g de mantequilla
3-4 cucharadas de leche condensada

*glaseado de chocolate*
170 g de azúcar
60 g de cacao en polvo
160 g de leche
100 g de mantequilla sin sal

#cakerecipe #honeycake #violetandkoikitchen #custardcream #homemadebaking #baking #chocolateicing

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