Now that Trump is President Again, it’s time for DOGE to end the money laundering

1 month ago

Now that Donald Trump is President, it’s time for DOGE to end the money laundering

Senator Rand Paul found over a TRILLION dollars in his “annual Festivus Report on outrageous government waste:

- $10,000 that was given to the bearded ladies cabaret to fund ice skating shows about climate change
- $32,000 was spent on break dancing
- Nearly half a million dollars was spent to determine if lonely rats seek out cocaine
- $2 million was paid for Paraguayan border security
- $12 million to fund a pickleball complex in Las Vegas
- $20 million to air a Sesame Street spinoff about inclusion and mutual respect, not here in the US, but in Iraq
- $10 billion on maintaining leasing and furnishing almost entirely empty buildings, ghost towns on your dime
- $4.8 million for TIKTOK DANCERS in Ukraine

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