Sabbath Message B (Audio) for 26/11/47/120 - 25/01/2025

15 days ago

Letter to World Leaders - Global Warming ...

Your Majesty King Charles III, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, President Donald J. Trump, Sir Keir Starmer, Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth of Nations and the EU, Members, Senators and Officers of the Parliaments and the Congress and Senate of the USA, Sky News Australia and other News teams.

This week we are issuing the following Sabbath Message re Global Warming and its historical and factual basis.
Global Warming is real, and it has nothing to do with “Man Made Climate Change” due to fossil fuels or other causes, as is falsely claimed by theMan MadeClimate Change fraudsters coming from the Marxist Globalists seeking to undermine the manufacturing capacity of the British Commonwealth and the US and Western Democracy.

CCG has exposed this matter for the fraud it is, due to the Marxist Globalists operating out of the UN and the WEF and other globalist organisations.The major aim is to undermine the power and manufacturing capacity of the Western Democracies and to take over their political structures. This has been going on for decades and we exposed the fraud from 1997 to the present day.We have also produced a number of articles concerning Global Warming and its links in Bible Prophecy. The papers are in the No. 218 Series as follows:

Global Warming and Bible Prophecy

Global Warming: Historical Cycles (No. 218B)

Climate Change 2021 and the New World Order (No 218C)

Over 25 Years ago we went to Turkey to produce videos on the Seven Churches there and whilst at Ephesus, and Miletus and at Troy and elsewhere we discussed the issue of the effects of Global Warming and the effects of the Medieval Ice Age on the sea-levels from Ephesus and Miletus and other sea ports that were operational up to the Fourteenth Century over some thousands of years and which by 1450 saw the world sea levels drop by over seven to ten feet and have remained that way until the present. The world is now coming out of the Modern Ice Age and we are about to go into the Millennial Warm Period in the near future at the Return of the Messiah. That is overlooked by religious and scientific authorities because it does not suit their religious prejudices one way or another. We have examined this text inThe Millennial Warm Period and Satan's Fraud. (No. 218D)at haveproducedvideoson Ephesus, Miletus etc at

An important video on the subject of Global Warming and the 218 series and on theGlobalistFraud is at:
We mention Professor IanPlymerin that video and his work, and he would be a very good person to interview. We disagree with he and his colleague’s conclusion for the reasons stated but basically their work is sound. They appear unaware of the11.1 yearcycles and the 100 cycle sequence.It is my view that he should be made aware of these aspects, and it may be a good point that we are invited to discuss the issue with the team and the entire scam or fraud is exposed and stopped in the left wing of the ALP, the Greens, Teals and other Marxist Globalist operators in the world. The Great Reset is also a fraud and must be stopped.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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