Mirrored: Trump's Return: Indian Americans React, ISKCON Chants at White House

1 month ago

Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxQvNZuQW8M
#trumpreturn #indianamericans #iskcon
Indian Americans in Washington D.C. share their views on Donald Trump's potential return to the White House. ISKCON members chant outside the White House, promoting spiritual principles. Experts discuss potential impacts of Trump's second term on India-US relations, focusing on healthcare, geopolitics, and cabinet appointments.

#trumpreturn #indianamericans #iskcon #itwebvideos #whitehouse #makeamericagreatagain #indiausrelations #healthcare #geopolitics #trumpcabinet #vivekramaswamy #kashpatel #tulsigabbard #meritocracy #chinapolicy

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