
2 months ago

Bowne Report

There it was in black and white, the terrible truth we'd all been too blind or too drunk or too scared to see: CORPORATION = CORPSE. A semantic time bomb that had been ticking away in plain English for centuries while we all played along with their game like brain-dead rubes at a rigged carnival.

Are we blind? How could we miss it? These fiendish undead entities shambling through the stock market, gorging themselves on the green blood of commerce while we stood around like helpless cattle, discussing their quarterly earnings reports and market capitalizations as if we were talking about something natural, something human.

Take BlackRock, that trillion-dollar ghoul squatting in its Manhattan castle like some bloated Count Dracula of finance. They don't even try to hide it anymore – "What is dead may never die" might as well be their corporate motto, printed in bold on every prospectus and quarterly report they pump out like infected blood into the veins of the economy.

And Disney? There's a vampire that learned to feed on childhood dreams instead of blood. Started out innocent enough – just a friendly cartoon mouse inviting your kids over to play. Now it's a soul-sucking entertainment leviathan that's been feeding on the imagination of America for nearly a century, getting stronger with each generation it devours.

Maui has been fattened for an upcoming meal. The Appalachians are on ice as the former residents take their measly payoffs in lithium country. And Governor Renfield Newsom has prepared a feast of the finest real estate in the Country.

The people need to know what we're really dealing with here. We need populist clarity. We're not dealing with people at all. We're dealing with something far older, far hungrier, and far more patient than mere mortals.

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