Lo que las mujeres quieren que vistas según la psicología

1 month ago

Analizamos la ropa que las mujeres prefieren en los hombres, según la psicología. Entrevistamos a gente en la calle y después revisamos los datos científicos al respecto.

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Documentos científicos

-Physical attractiveness: Manipulation by physique and status display (Hill, Nocks, y Gardner, 1987).
-Effects of potential partners’ costume and physical attractiveness on sexuality and partner selection (Townsend y Levy, 1990).
-Strategic Self-Promotion and Competitor Derogation: Sex and Context Effects on the Perceived Effectiveness of Mate Attraction Tactics (Schmitt y Buss, 1996).
-The white-coat effect: Physician attire and perceived authority, friendliness, and attractiveness (Brase y Richmond, 2004).
-The evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating (Buss, 2003).
-The mating strategies and mate preferences of mail order brides (Minervini y McAndrew, 2006).
-Red, rank, and romance in women viewing men (Elliot et al., 2010).
-The red sneaker effect: Inferring status and competence from signals of nonconformity (Belleza, Gino, y Keinan, 2014).
-Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind (Buss, 2019).
-The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and romantic relationships (Mogilski y Shackelford, 2023).

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