#56 | Alexandria Shooting, Trump-Caesar Play Disruption, Castile Officer Cleared | Beauty & the Beta

29 days ago

Show streamed live on Jun 18, 2017
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

No guest tonight, but no shortage of dense topics to discuss either. Is the right losing the plot on speech after the Alexandria shooting? We'll discuss/debate, plus discuss the clearing of the officer in the Philando Castile case.

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ABC remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7M_WJzF3rg
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": http://bit.ly/2fu9qUO
"Dog Park" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Juan Soto's artwork: http://bit.ly/2sIXKUB
Chase Johnson artwork: http://bit.ly/2sIAjLe
Joseph McCafferty artwork: http://bit.ly/2sIGter
Facepalm Reality artwork: http://bit.ly/2sID4vT
Facts of the Alexandria incident (NYT): http://nyti.ms/2sHOCj1
Facts of the Alexandria incident with graphic (WaPo): http://wapo.st/2tfqTDX
Footage of the Alexandria incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Wr3Dm6stQ
Hodgkinson had a list of legislators on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtP55LxEuWY
Bernie disavows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcH2i7um5sw
Gov. Terry McAuliffe says 93M a day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZzjGYyI3Dg
Sen Mark Sanford blames Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aocMH9HrmhQ
Laura Ingraham Show with Joe diGenova: http://bit.ly/2sIkbcx
Joy Reid's tweet: http://archive.is/6cTpG
Joy Reid's segment: http://bit.ly/2sI1MN9
NJ Democratic strategist wants to hunt Republican congressmen: http://bit.ly/2sIltnT
Summary of the disruption of the Caesar play: http://bit.ly/2sHUAjS
Loomer on Stefan Molyneaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STbm3pJf33M
Caesar featured Obama previously: http://strib.mn/2sFi5u6
Laura is offended by the gas chamber on Twitter: http://bit.ly/2sHWMrN
Jack says knives on stage were aggression: http://bit.ly/2sHU0Th
FreeLaura.com was registered by Ezra Levant/the Rebel: http://bit.ly/2sHQLv8
Officer Yanez cleared in Castile case: http://cbsloc.al/2sIibRK
Transcript of the Castile incident: http://bit.ly/2sIds2w
Information on the jury decision: http://strib.mn/2sI3JJd
Val Castile's press conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zJ4DT8Rp0Y
Val Castile's Facebook live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYU0K2iCSsk
Nonsensical protester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbvHHK5I0C0
Arrest warrants issued for Turkish security personnel: http://abcn.ws/2sHMt6Y

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