Inner Earth and Elemental Beings Communication in 2025 INSPIRITIONal conversation with Jen Cusumano

1 month ago

Inner Earth/Elementals Communication in 2025 INSPIRITIONal conversation with Jen Cusumano

Jen with her deep sensitivity to energetic phenomena, with many experiences and sightings with various dimensional beings was the perfect person to demonstrate and share such adventures into knowing:
My method of teaching is to bring whoever I am communing with to a deeper level of awareness and access to their own soul knowledge. This conversation is designed to raw out the deep truths: revealing information, how we can open up ourselves into more awareness and knowledge and asset as an example of this process.

A mixture of a catch-up interview and an INSPIRITION-session allowing Jen to access deeper information form her soul, aided by my supportive energetic presence.
(We had a little bit of intermittent reception, but the video should mostly read smoothly.) It was a real pleasure to have Jen back again full of new experience with many inner earth beings and et’s are appearing in the skies. Beings pop-up when she gets outside!

5.25 Sidereal Astrology
6.55 The fellowship in seeing beings..! Science papers backed up by others’ papers.
7.20 Studying Keylontic Science ( Ashayana Deane’s Work in Voyagers)
8.45 Ascension Glossary
9.45 We enter questions: who and what these beings are?
10.40 “Can I have your names?”
Mantis Being Lys
11.30 Fairy being with antenna:
13.50 Katharine Altwood’s Glastonbury Zodiac
15.25 Many ancient sites desecrated
15.45 What will Jen be DOING with her fae? Her Gridwork prayer, answered.
Willow and Sandi…there working with her…
16.46 Et Mantis Collective
They know Willow….and the relation of Willow to Ant people and Ant people to ‘my’ Fae being Elphie…connections!
18.26 “Finding Your Elven Heart” Book by Soren Hauge
18.38 the Sidhe: connection with “Sandi”- he was the being flying over the other ship….(ADD PHOTO HERE)18.50
19.30 What are the energetics? Asking Jen to explain her energetic atmosphere…
20.00 Frequency fences…what are these?
20.45 What is creating the negative frequency-fence?
23.50 Jen describes the frequency fence -what she can see:
24.50 Who is creating the frequency fence?
27.00 I ask Jen to imagine what she is energetically creating with her elemental/fae friends:
28.30 The complexity of Ashayana Deane’s work..
29.00 What is Jen’s Soul doing energetically with these beings:
49.00 What do you think we are here to do?

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