5 hours ago

Originally aired SUN 1/19/25. This show is called SEASON WATCH, because we OBSERVE the things coming on the earth through Biblical Binoculars.

There are forces with a complex agenda to undermine the foundations and security of the US as the KEYSTONE of FREEDOM and Individual liberty in the world. And those forces operate at a very advanced strategic level because their General is SATAN, and their GOAL is GLOBAL DOMINATION.

And so what we have been SHOWN and TOLD is not ENTIRELY what is going on.

These events and crisis are the convergence of HUMAN AGENTS operating in conjunction with SPIRITUAL POWERS, as Paul reveals in EPH 6:

And this topic will likely be a short series to look at the BACKGROUND, PROPHECIES, and HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that reveal ISRAEL remains God’s chosen people, and He has a PLAN for the NATION of Israel.

WE MUST be FOUND on the right side of God who pronounced His pledge upon choosing ABRAM to create the FAMILY of ISRAEL, whom God would bring the Messiah, or Savior of the world:
Gen 12:2 NKJV - I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.
Gen 12:3 NKJV - I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

And so the PROMISE for the FAMILY and BLOOD descendants of ABRAHAM still stands, and has NEVER BEEN REVOKED, as we shall see in our studies. And to THIS DAY we are to PRAY for the Peace of JERUSALEM, May all those who LOVE her PROSPER.

And we see today that IN FACT the world not only DOESN’T LOVE the family of Israel, but they HATE ISRAEL and the JEWISH PEOPLE.

There has been a lot of VITRIOL unleashed in a SATANIC BARRAGE ever since they were ATTACKED so HEINOUSLY on Oct 7, 2023.
And now we COMMONLY see vicious PROTESTS, violence, and even GLOBAL condemnation against Israel, including those who SUPPORT ISRAEL, lumping them TOGETHER with the term ZIONIST.

And don’t be fooled—these lies are being spewed by Satan’s agents to disparage Israel, Jews in general, and those who support them.

Right now we have a situation where incoming president TRUMP is pushing a deal to get the Israeli Hostages, which is a CAMPAIGN PROMISE He would like to keep.

He THREATENED that there would be HELL TO PAY if the Hostages are not released by the time of his inauguration.
We all have cheered for this enthusiastic support for Israel, but it is turning out that during this current deal HAMAS is not the one that Trump is PRESSURING… Israel is.

However, HAMAS was ALREADY on the ROCKS and ISRAEL would have FINISHED the job, had not the BIDEN Administration NOT TIED their hands. • They insisted on keeping the woke generals who pull out of every territory that Israel wins in Gaza
• They Insisted on Humanitarian aid that HAMAS steals and controls and uses to bribe more to join them
• These shipments have sustained HAMAS’s power, and also smuggle in millions of dollars to PAY for more fighters
• They Won’t let civilians LEAVE Gaza, making it impossible to humanely prosecute the war
Now that Israel finally has the upper hand, they thought they only had to hold on until TRUMP—who pledged to take the gloves off.
But instead, trump is PRESSURING ISRAEL to concede to TERRIBLE TERMS of AGREEMENT.

So all their GAINS to decimate HAMAS and REMOVE them from Controlling Gaza would be LOST, and so also the likelihood of getting all their hostages back, in addition to the requirement of freeing over 1,000 terrorist prisoners.

This is an unnecessary and lopsided deal that gives ultimate victory to HAMAS and the Iranian regime, Hamas lives to rebuild and terrorize Israel again, and they get the victory of GAINING MORE TERRORISTS BACK than Israelis killed.

All because TRUMP wants to look strong.

Trump also wants to quickly pick up and continue his legacy from the Abraham accords, particularly with the young cosmopolitan Saudi Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
• This is the same Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who wants to bring his nation into the 21 century, along with other Gulf States, such as the UAE, who more than a desire to join their ancient Muslim culture to this century, they want to be in the forefront of technological and archeological advancements
• He is overseeing the ambitious 15 minute SMART city called THE LINE that we talked about yesterday, which will comport with the UN’s vision for 17 sustainability goals by 2030.

We should have let Israel finish the job WITHOUT our interference--why does the international community INTERFERE with ISRAEL and not in other very DEADLY GENOCIDES perpetrated around the world?

But friends, though the WORLD comes against ISRAEL, they have chosen the wrong disparaging TERM. If you are a BIBLE BELIEVING TRUE CHRISTIAN, you SHOULD BE a ZIONIST.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

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Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:

Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

Website: My Words for HIM:

Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:

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