Article 5222 Video - Wielding the Mop and the Bucket - Monday, January 20, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5222 Video - Wielding the Mop and the Bucket - Monday, January 20, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

Obviously, Granna and Mark Twain are of the same opinion; rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

I look worn out because at 68 I am working harder than most 30 year-olds ever will. That's all.

So let me give you some insight into the Federation. Most of the senior members are truly senior. Literally. At 68, I am among the youngest of the leadership cadre. Most are at least 80. Some are over 90. I'm just a kid to them. They kindly indulge me.

Over the last several years, we have developed a much younger Federation crew, who will replace us gradually and naturally. They are mostly young men between the ages of 30 and 50, and when I had a couple minutes to think about the group as a whole, I suddenly realized that they are mostly veterans, mostly a-political, well-educated, have I.Q.s above 180, cover a range of skills, but when you meet them, they present no conceivable group consciousness or appearance.

We've got black and we've got white, we've got Asian and Chinese and Hispanic --- and everything in between. We are the Melting Pot. When they are all milling around together, they look like an odd mix of college students, DEA agents, hobos, mad scientists, bikers, even a couple artists, which pleases Jim no end.

He has suffered his absence from the arts and crafts scene rather bitterly and enjoys talking shop when he can.

Still, having these young people involved is a happy kick in our pants and a breath of fresh air and a rush of testosterone for the Oldsters still charged with guiding the Ship of State and keeping it off any reef or shoal that appears in the shallow water we are treading through now.

As Bubba, one of our more senior Seniors said last week, "We avoid all the same mistakes, we just do it slower now." He winced.

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