So-Called Unhealthy Foods You Should Be Eating

4 hours ago

#Diet #Health #Foods
If you’re trying to switch to a healthier diet, you don’t have to worry about cutting out all of your favorite foods. Instead of looking into a fad diet that requires you to eliminate certain food groups entirely, it’s best to try and balance your food groups.

There are plenty of times where it’s just fine to eat so-called unhealthy foods like eggs, bacon, pasta, and even sweet desserts — as long as you don’t overdo it. In fact, if you want to have a truly balanced diet, you should be eating a lot of these so-called unhealthy foods in moderation, because there are plenty of good things in them as well.

#Health #Foods #Diet

Eggs | 0:00
Potatoes | 2:00
Pasta | 2:33
Beer | 2:59
Coffee | 3:27
Raisins | 4:05
Peanut butter | 4:41
Bread | 5:11
Bacon | 5:45
Birthday cake | 6:21

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