Turning Mission Impossible to Mission Unstoppable

1 month ago

Today we begin a new series of messages from the book of Joshua. Although the people involved in this book lived 3600 years ago, the relevancy of the message is timeless. They were called of God to take the land of promise. Humanly speaking, it was an impossible mission. However, with God all things are possible. Likewise, each of us are called of God to take the land. Certainly, we are not called to take the same land promised to the children of Israel. We have our own land to take in our faith, our families, our friendships, and in our finances. Through our study in the book of Joshua, God wants to empower you to exercise courageous faith and turn mission impossible into mission unstoppable. Turn in your Bibles to the book of Joshua, chapter one.
How do you turn mission impossible into mission unstoppable?

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