Grace. The Practice of Seeing Through God's Eyes – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

10 hours ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for January 11: Grace. The Practice of Seeing Through God's Eyes, a weekly zoom call. You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Let us practice seeing the world and those in it with God's grace.
2 - Grace dissolves the ego's tools, mindset, and world.
3 - Grace is forever ours because we are forever His.
4 - Grace focuses only on the love that God created us all to be.
5 - Don't see people as who they think they are, but as who in truth they are, love.
6 - God's grace dissolve our judgments and aligns us once again with the state peace.
7 - Recall the ego always answers first and loudest, so don't punish yourself when you are out of alignment with the state of grace, just catch yourself doing so and return to center, love.
8 - Consciously stop the line of thinking that supports the ego's tools, doing so ends the ego's fuel source, your energy.
9 - Fuel the thoughts with your time, focus and energy that you want.
10 - All people who trigger you are just really doing for you is helping you see what you no longer want.
11 - Don't punish yourself for being triggered. Recall that this becomes an opportunity for you to heal.
12 - No matter how undeserving your brother is of grace, recall that you are forever worthy of peace, and the way there is through the act of grace.
13 - Do what brings you peace and you will have peace.
14 - Practice recognizing when the ego/unloving thoughts are in control of your thoughts, and thus mind and life. Then stop fueling that line of thinking.
15 - Loving thoughts show you that you are allowing the truth in you to guide you.
16 - Conflict, chaos and confusion result from allowing the ego to think for you.
17 - Ask yourself throughout the day: "Whose guidance am I following?"
18 - The more we get to choose love over fear, forgiveness over judgment, the more we strengthen and reinforce our true loving nature.
19 - Everything that happens to you God will use it for your good, to help you grow, heal and awaken.
20 - Recall, you are always defining your experience. The power resides within you not "out there".
21 - Feeling judged and shamed is a sign that you are allowing the ego to define your experience for you.
22 - Setting loving boundaries is ok. Being all One, what is loving for one, helps all.
23 - The ego answers first and loudest because that is our programming. Still, we need not pay attention to it. We can forgive it and let it go.
24 - When guilt comes into your mind practice trusting the Divine Design more.
25 - Don't fuel the energies and emotions that don't support you.
26 - The more you trust god, the more peace you will experience, and the brighter light of peace you will become for others.
27 - Where do suicides go?
28 - What happens after we die?
29 - How evil spirits use you as a gas station.
30 - Sin simply calls for correction according to A Course In Miracles.

Daily Inspiration: January 11. Grace – Condensed Version

Grace is the gentle flow of God’s unconditional love that continuously feeds, guides and nourishes our souls. No matter how unworthy we may sometimes feel of God’s grace, it forever flows through us, unimpeded by the misperceptions that we may hold about ourselves or this world. Grace dissolves the ego’s judgment-centered, fear-based mindset by awakening us from what never was — to what has always been. Even while our minds remain asleep, grace forever holds us in its warm, soft and gentle embrace. When we awaken, we will find ourselves in a place that in truth we have never left. God’s grace is forever safely and securely preserved within our hearts and minds. As the memory of grace is reinforced in us, the ego’s world increasingly dissolves before our light and understanding.

Today, regardless of how undeserving of forgiveness, love and compassion the ego tells us that others are, let us dismiss the ego’s demands, align with love, and offer God’s grace to all. As we do, we focus only on the love that God created them to be. Being all One, as we focus on their loving nature, we reinforce and strengthen our own. When we awaken, what use would we have to judge self or others when we know that only the love of God is real? Why continue to travel the ego’s path when we now know it takes us no where we want to be? Today, allow forgiveness, love and compassion to become your constant companions. When you do, God’s grace will flow through you and throughout your day. Do this and you will realize that God’s grace is forever yours, because you are forever His.

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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