The End Times and Resurrection of the Believer | Word for Now | Jan 20, 2025 | CR

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Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Jan 20, 2025
At the end of time, humanity will undergo a profound transformation, culminating in the resurrection of believers into new, life-giving bodies, similar to the glorified body of Christ. This event, often referred to as the “Rapture,” is not merely about physical resurrection, but about a spiritual awakening that involves genetic and spiritual transformation. The true sign of this change will not be a literal trumpet sound heard with the ears, but a deep, inner transformation of one’s nature. As people align more with Christ, their spirits will become like His—able to give life to others.

The process of spiritual refinement throughout history can be seen in the events described in the Book of Revelation. The seals, trumpets, and bowls represent stages of growth and purification. Each of these symbolizes the way God works in the lives of believers, gradually breaking off the old nature and drawing them into a deeper relationship with Him. The role of the believer is to be a vessel of this divine transformation, and through their actions, God’s glory is manifested in the world. This glory will be so intense that it will refine creation, similar to the way a refinery processes raw materials with intense heat.

In this divine refining process, some will experience intense suffering, symbolized by the Lake of Fire. This isn’t a place of death, but rather a state of being fully conscious and alive, yet tormented by an unyielding resistance to God’s presence. The fire represents the overwhelming force of God’s purity, which will be toxic to those who reject Him, yet it will sustain them in a state of awareness.

Ultimately, believers will participate in enforcing God’s dominion over all of creation, even in dark, unseen places. As the presence of God spreads through the earth, some will be tasked with bringing His light into regions of darkness, just as figures like Enoch and Elijah brought God’s presence in their time. This divine presence will refine and purify the earth and all who inhabit it, completing the cycle of redemption for creation.

The end times are not about escaping the world but engaging with it at a deeper level, bringing God’s transformation to every corner of existence. The process will be challenging, but it is also an opportunity for believers to be part of something far greater than themselves, helping to establish God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

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