this is not Mental Health

15 hours ago

it's electromagnetic stimulation programming artificial please enhance my background use artificial intelligence to read what's going on in this man being put under to Target me my mom and my daughter we had to break our lease because I broke out of there brain embankment commencement Nano sensor biosensor biometrics programming listen within his background this was outside my front door because the way my gift works I hear within frequencies infrasound infrasonic kind of hard to believe you don't believe me come and test the way I read in here frequencies The Havana syndrome Cuba frequencies say Jeremiah Jeremiah do you hear us we're going to kill you over and over but I can read frequencies it's the voice of God frequency at a clairaudience gifted after getting hurt and covered up at work they had me brain hacked with Nano Mafia research it mind control nanotechnology graphene oxide I've had this gift my whole and I never wanted to be psychic until I was brain hacked and then near death experience at work that was covered up because they had taken less than what I was worth if I sued "Boart longyear drilling" I am a threat to their programming but they can't make this program real because how unconstitutional it is the the elite weaponized the justice system law enforcement Public Safety with behavior modification targeting programs brian embankment cryos they are hacking Minds and prophesizing off the mental health don't believe the hype and this isn't Mental Health this is brainwave electromagnetic programming mind control mass shootings or room

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