Creating the Habit of Happiness – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

10 days ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for December 22: Creating the Habit of Happiness, a weekly zoom call. You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Shift your time, focus and energy and used them to move you in the direction of joy.
2 - When you focus on your own joy you become a beacon of joy for others.
3 - Being Love's child and creation, joy in your inheritance.
4 - Enjoy your inheritance by sharing it with others.
5 - Become proactive instead of reactive. Go into an interaction or situation with the goal of joy already set.
6 - When you move in the direction of joy, you move in God's direction.
7 - Expectation can be a hinderance to joy. Trust that Source is setting up your situation or interaction so that you can come closer to joy.
8 - Joy is a natural expression of serving God.
9 - Anytime you are using any of Love's expression you are serving God.
10 - Practice returning to the now. In the now use Love's expressions. This is a simple way to joy.
11 - Return to the Holy Instant, ask God what to think, say and do, then think, say and do only that.
12 - How do I serve the world? Serve that person in front of you.
13 - If you find it hard serving another, see them as Christ and ask yourself: How would I treat Christ if that person in front of me was Jesus?
14 - Being all One, when you serve anyone, you are serving God.
15 - Help anyone and God rejoices!
16 - Walk into an interaction with forgiveness and compassion as your companions.
17 - Ask yourself: What expression of love is the moment and those in it requesting.
18 - Bringing joy to yourself is not selfish, because being all One, when you are joyous you become a beacon of joy for others.
19 - Don't punish yourself when the ego is in control of your thinking, just practice recognizing when the ego is in control of your thinking, then stop that line of thinking.
20 - When feeling worried about the future, think about how even the difficult and dark times in the past brought you the wisdom and life experience you have now.
21 - To become more joyful practice making gratitude, not judgment, your response to everything that comes your way.
22 - Every moment, in reality, are a gift from the universe to you.
23 - Heaven on Earth is always just one simple and gentle choice away.
24 - It is not hard to be who God created you to be. Thus all of Love's expression are your natural state of mind.
25 - What is hard is trying to be the opposite of who God created you to be.
26 - Your mission and purpose is to be the unique expression of the loving light that God created you to be.
27 - Look for the miracle, the shift in perception, in every situation and interaction.
28 - When feeling jealous, such such moments to practice placing the relationship in God's hands.
29 - Any unloving thoughts that comes into your awareness is there for you to heal it. The Universe knows that you are ready to heal it. So pat yourself on the back for that.
30 - Jealousy is a thought/misperception that says that God is not going to take care of you.

Daily Inspiration: December 22. Creating the Habit of Happiness – Condensed Version

Today, let us use the gift of free will to make a conscious decision to move in the direction of our happiness. Let us do this by shifting our time, focus and energy toward thoughts, words and actions that bring us joy. Do not allow the ego to convince you that this is a selfish act. Being all One, what helps one person align with their happy, loving nature, helps serve as an example to others of what is also possible for them. When you focus on your own joy, you then become a beacon of joy for others. Even if you just consciously choose to focus on feeling joy one more time or five more minutes each day, you will see your life begin to shift in the direction of your happiness. What makes you happy? Take your direction from the answers to that question and each day move toward your goal.

Today, recall that you are Love’s creation and that joy is one of Love’s numerous expressions. When you are being asked to focus on joy, you are simply being asked to be who you already are. It is not hard to be who you were created by God to be. What is hard is to try to not be who you were created by God to be. Free will offers you the opportunity to choose and align with joy in every thought, word and action. Joy, as one of God’s/Love’s numerous treasures, is your inheritance and birthright. You, as Love’s creation, are forever worthy of God’s inheritance. Today, accept and enjoy your inheritance by sharing it with all those God sends your way. Offer joy to others and experience this energy flowing through you and throughout your day. Today, simply choose to support the thoughts, words and actions that move you in the direction of joy, and forgive and let go of those that try to move you away from joy. Do so and today you’ll make joy your constant companion.

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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