Video 1 of 3: Action Alert for SC! Election Bill S 36!

1 month ago
Laura Scharr of SC Safe Elections sends out urgent request that South Carolinians call, text, or write to their state senator and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose S36, which will be heard by the committee on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025! (Video 1 of 2)
Brief explanation:
S. 35, S. 36, and S. 37 are BAD BILLS for election integrity and government accountability.
Senate Bill S35: This makes the Comptroller General an appointed (by the governor) as opposed to a constitutionally elected position. It gives power to the governor to choose the fiscal watchdog for his own agencies/departments and governing bodies. The very person responsible for monitoring the governor and his cabinets would be completely beholden to the governor. Tell them to vote no. There is no good excuse for this bill.
As a reminder Brian Gaines, a democrat, was appointed to this position by the republican McMaster with the resignation of Eckstrom in April 2023 - see powers and duties here:

Senate Bill S36: This bill removes the requirement that each precinct must have a polling location and increases precinct population limit to 3000! This would make handcounting much more difficult to implement. We must stay at 1500. Additionally, our elections are supposed to be managed and controlled locally and removing the requirement for a polling location in each precinct, as well as increasing precinct size, starts to erode local control and will also potentially make it more difficult for individuals to vote (if they have to travel). If you have more people moving into the state, you don’t increase the size of the precincts, you create more precincts to maintain local access and control. This is what companies do – if they start to add more customers in a given area, they open a new store to make it easier for their customers to get to their goods. Tell them to vote no on this bill.

Senate Bill S37: This bill has two sections – sections 9 and 10 – that allow for the continuous reporting of election results and also allows for the early tabulation. Everyone please call the members noted to tell them to not pass this bill unless these sections are removed. There are serious risks to using computers to vote and the same is true for these management computers that are used to tabulate election results centrally. If early voting results are tabulated early and if results are continuously reported, this could potentially allow bad actors to gain access to information that would let them know how many votes they needed to steal, harvest or flip to win. Trust in our elections has not recovered with the passage of bills centralizing power into the hands of the director of the SEC and the blocking of voter access to cast vote records, our only means of transparency. Passing this bill with these sections will only diminish it further – this is going in the opposite direction in which we need to go.
We also need one of the subcommittee members (Campsen (ch), Johnson, Kimbrell, Devine, Blackmon, Sutton, Zell) to offer an amendment to remove sections 9 and 10 and in order to get one of them to do this, we need the grassroots to call/email and if at all possible to show up and speak at the Tuesday meeting. The Tuesday meeting is the only chance we will get to speak.
Contact information for members of the Senate Judiciary Committee can be found here:

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