"In The 1950s Everybody Used To Walk Around With A Cholesterol Level Of 350 & It ...

7 hours ago

"In The 1950s Everybody Used To Walk Around With A Cholesterol Level Of 350 & It Was Very Normal."
Dr. Stephanie Rimka

"Normal lab ranges were 300-350. 350 is not high."

"Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease. ZERO. Ancel Keys was a researcher & he committed scientific fraud. He lied on the papers that were used to implicate cholesterol as a cause for cardiovascular disease."

"He lied. They know he lied. We've proven there was fraud. But yet, all the Cardiologists & all the Primary Care Providers still prescribe a Statin if your level is 200."

"Doctors follow the guidelines, not because the guidelines are correct, but because if they don't' follow them, they fear malpractice with no defense in court."

"When my Grandmother was alive, the normal cholesterol was 350. Everybody used to walk around with 300, with 350 & it was very normal. They were all skinny & nobody worked out. Nobody was fat in 1950s, 60s, 70s. They were thin. 320, 350...That was NORMAL."

What's causing Cardiovascular Disease is damage to the Glycocalyx. The Glycocalyx is a gel like protective covering on vascular endothelial cells. It's this barrier that becomes damaged & cholesterol rushes to repair the inflammatory damage. Much like a firefighter rushes to put out a blaze. Demonizing cholesterol is like blaming the firefighters for the fire.

Any source of oxidative stress within our blood vessels can damage the lining of our arteries & damage the Glycocalyx.

The Glycocalyx gets damaged by:

Industrial Seed Oils
Processed Sugar
Insulin Resistance
Ultra Processed Foods
Environmental Toxins
Poor Sleep
Low Vitamin D Levels
Magnesium Deficiency
K2 Deficiency
Lack of Exercise

The whole story we've been fed about saturated fat causing Atherosclerosis is nothing but a fairytale. Rather than worrying about how much saturated fat we're consuming, we should be worried about the actual real causes: oxidation, pollution, seed oil consumption & blood glucose levels.

👇Glycocalyx Scientific Research👇
👇The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You Live👇

Video: Wellness_Radar

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