MAD HONEY stopping wars experience parody (psychoactive honey)

1 month ago

"There are a few accounts of its use as a biological weapon, usually as experienced by foraging soldiers" Wikipedia #wikipedia #wikipédia

Save BEES #savebees

This clip is just for the information, and the education only; I don't recommend it or sell it, whether it is legal or not. This video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, it's for the entertainment purposes only.

"Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder.

Psychedelics will not effortlessly solve your deep psychological problems. The less grounded your mind is, the more selfish you are, the harsher psychedelics will be on you. Psychedelics can create deep existential crises. Do not take psychedelics unless you love the idea of deconstructing your mind and reality." @ActualizedOrg

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