MMT Pro Tip: Common Mistakes with Cervical Retraction

6 hours ago

In this week's MMT Pro Tip I talk about Cervical Retraction and two common mistakes you should be avoiding. First, overpressure should be applied on day one, and on the maxilla, NOT the mandible. Repeatedly pushing on the mandible could sensitize the TMJ or if they're already a TMJ patient, make it worse. Second, overpressure via patient generated forces should ONLY be applied at the end range. The patient should not be pushing the head/neck backward the entire movement. This pushing often causes the anterior neck musculature to fire, so it's contracting against the movement. Both of these strategies should level up this powerful reset and really improve your headache, neck pain and UQ outcomes! Are you a patient in need of my help? Contact me for a live or online consult by going to the link in my profile! Clinician? Level up with our full online seminar and learn how to easily Eval, Reset, and Stabilize most MSK conditions like a boss! Now approved in most states for PT CEUs!

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