Dem Rep. Jasmine Crockett Tweets Trump Confessed To Election Rigging… He Said "They" Rigged Election

3 hours ago

Posted • January 20, 2025: Oh, Jasmine Crockett is acting silly again on the internet. She must not have enough to do on the night before Trump's inauguration. —— Acyn @Acyn: “Trump on the Olympics and World Cup: It’s only because they rigged the election that I’ll be your president representing you there.” —— Jasmine Crockett @JasmineForUS: “So Trump is rambling on about he and Elon rigging the election?! Am I missing something or is he confessing to yet another damn crime?!” Jasmine thinks Trump is admitting to rigging the election when in actuality, he is saying 2020 was not a free and fair election and had he won in 2020, he wouldn't be here now to be the President during the Olympics. He's excited to be President during the Olympics. As he should be. That is an exciting event.

Trump on Elon Musk: "He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide." —— Again, Trump is saying this time the people made his win 'too big to rig' and even shenanigans wouldn't work to beat him. Jasmine is always looking for something nefarious. Texas is an awesome state, but if they could stop sending Jasmine to Congress, America would be better off. You are challenging election results??? We have been told this is election denialism and insurrectionist behavior. You should be shamed entirely…well, more so than usual. This has been called anti-American the last four years. What changed? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Dem Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett Says Trump Confessed to Election Rigging … Nation Chuckles in Unison

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