Pope, Who is he?

2 months ago

☝🏼Phil decode & Catholic Church decode

VICARIUS FILII DEI - 165 (in Latin gematria = 666) 👀

Questions I ask … Why does a pope, supposedly a man of God need to wear a massive crown like that anyways 🤔 Why does the Catholic Church call the pope “the vicor of Christ? What does that mean? Why would they call him the replacement of the son of God? Why does it translate out to equal 666. Why does it translate to Anti Christ in Greek 🤔 why do all the popes wear red shoes? 👞 What are those shoes made out of? What is in the Vatican basement? Why is the Vatican like Washington DC a district and does not abide by the same laws and regulations as the country it is in?
Question everything.

follow Patriot Princess of telegram

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