Ya' Don't Say! Leaked Confidential Doc Shows Anti-Trump People's March Is NOT A Grassroots Effort

6 days ago

Posted • January 20, 2025: Have we mentioned how hard the Left and Democrats have been working to prove the 'resistance' is bigger than ever now that Trump has been elected president AGAIN? They really want us all to believe that not only did people not really mean to elect Trump (that's a new one) BUT that even though he won both the Electoral College and the Popular vote, he's more unpopular than EVER. They really think Americans will buy this. Especially since, you know, the grassroots People's March that protested Trump on Saturday was so HUGE. Except it wasn't really all that huge and OH YEAH, it was anything but grassroots. Check this out: 🔥 Fox News: Media say a “grassroots” People's March protested Trump today. But a document I got from the National Park Service — marked “confidential” — reveals for-profit professional protest firm “Movement Catalyst LLC” got the permit & organized the protest. -- We feel shocked.

The anti-Trump People's March claims to be “grassroots.” But I got the permit from the Park Police with a document marked “confidential.” Read it here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/25497530-25-0002-movement-catalyst-peoples-march-permit-redacted/ -- You’ll see: ✅ The “Permit Holder” is Movement Catalyst LLC, a for-profit protest firm in Silver Spring, MD. ✅ The “Contact List” for the protest includes 3 partners at the Movement Catalyst LLC and a “Collaborator,” all longtime professional protestors. ✅ They are Samantha Miller and the 3 partners: Abby Henderson, Bill Ragen and Liz Butler. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GhnbF96WkAAa9LC?format=jpg&name=medium -- These are just 4 pages but you can see the level of detail that this for-profit protest firm — Movement Catalyst LLC — provided to the Park Service to snag the permit, down to the “portapotties and dumpster” pickup and protest route. Doesn't sound all that grassroots to us. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Ya' Don't SAY! Leaked Confidential Doc Shows Anti-Trump People's March Is NOT a Grassroots Effort -Thread
Fox News: ASRA NOMANI: The professional protest machine behind today’s ‘People’s March’

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