being open to transformation is what life is for

1 month ago

the banquet in my head that's always going on
these mfs get along quite well in my head
these people on the internet are competing if that explains the hatred for people that act exactly alike
digital world is materialism on pcp, it's ALL a transaction
superficial people will always do well in this world
those of us w/ substance are looking endlessly for our tribe
should i sing about how the economy ain't gonna get no better
lookin back at another time pretending that is was better then
maybe things were always shitty
imma wait til we get around this little curvy thing
i can't control what the road does, i could NOT shoot right now but fuck that
i don't value the film or sound quality enough, sari
i don't fault you if you can't hang
philosophy is more important than anything
making sumin outta nothin, that's what philosophy is
it's all about perspective
for the longest time i'd look around me n wonder how is everyone fine n i am still analyzing how everything is wrong
always on the outside no matter what
people at my party are having a way better time than me
shoutout to leslie gore
ever go to a party n it's your party but it don't feel like it
can't wait to get out of my own house
such a horrible feeling to not fit in anywhere
those of us that don't fit in anywhere end up goin somewhere n you know where i'm talkin about
i need padded walls inside my head so my thoughts can ricochet instead
this is more interesting tho ain't it
i'd be a goner if i were to compare myself to people on social media
living n running in my mind
why would you, how could you know what's goin on
why would i tell you unless i was trying to play victim
not a victim or hero but a human n that's good enough

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