TODO TODAY : Control Lock , Tooltip , Quicksave .

1 month ago

1 . Control lock , when on , the side menu becomes greyed out and you cannot interact with it . To exit you must press escape .

2. Tooltip : We are going to render our tooltip within the cwnteral 16x16 grid of our application . Letter Box / Theatre Box / Movie Box style . Title text in the center and transparent black rectangles above and below . All tooltips should have their text centered verically . Which means tooltip text will not align perfectly with our 16x16 inner grid of 32x32pixel tiles . We will have to create a new grid that is 15x15 , and centered within the 16x16 .

This will build some nice padding into the font rendering we need anyways .

15 characters including space might not be enough to write all the tooltip phrases we need . 30 however should work .

So we should have 2 ways to render tooltips . 1line and 2line tooltips depending on the space required . Lets just go through all tooltips now .

1. Control Lock ( 12 )
2. Quick Save ( 10 )
3. Slow Save ( 9 )
4. Quick Re-Load ( 13 )
5. Slow Load (9 ) aka open file .

Okay last item :

3. Quicksave : I dont see myself getting to quicksave today . I mean if anything I put on my todo list got done in a day Id just put 1,000 items on it one day and be done .

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