12 days ago

I can so relate to this doctor's comment on most (not all) doctors. I am in my 4th health crisis of my life and like the other three times, the doctors are not very helpful. I had stage 5 kidney disease and the only advice I received was to drink a lot of water. THAT WAS ALL !!! Just a quick phone call and drink more water. Is this doctor waiting until I get near death so she can put me on dialasis, rake in some bonus money, and maybe even claim that I died with Cv. I researched, got my level down to stage 4 with diet changes. Did you know some normal foods can kill you if you are in kidney disease? Drink water !!!

This doctor here is a gem! Listen to him! BTW, I plan to fully recover. A final note, the doctors I am with have at least run tests which I can view online, but no meetings, not even a zoom or a text message of explanation. Thank God for even small favors.

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