자유민주주의 대한민국 수호 - Stage 2

2 months ago

Music 1.
Sad Piano (Free Music) - "Stillstand" by @Myuu 🇺🇸
"Myuu - Stillstand" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license:
/ myuuji
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • ☹️ Sad Piano (Free Music) - "Stillsta...

For mobile, easily copy and paste the text directly from our website: https://breakingcopyright.com/song/my...

If you can't or don't want to give credits contact with Myuu

⛔ Remember that it is forbidden to register this song on any distribution platform (Spotify, iTunes, etc or any copyright detection system)

Music 2.
'The Travelling Symphony' by ‪@SavfkMusic‬ 🇮🇹
"Savfk - The Travelling Symphony" is under a Creative Commons (BY 4.0) license:
/ savfkmusic
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • 🗼 Copyright Free Inspirational Music ...

For mobile, easily copy and paste the text directly from our website: https://breakingcopyright.com/song/sa...

If you can't or don't want to give credits contact with Savfk

⛔ Remember that it is forbidden to register this song on any distribution platform (Spotify, iTunes, etc or any copyright detection system)

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