🎙️ Sermon 9: Wealth In The Lord

14 days ago

Date: 1/18/2025
Pastor: Rachel R. Wilson

Pastor Wilson is often told the Book (Bible) and Elohim, the author of the Book is a contradiction. Although it appears that way sometimes, Pastor Wilson understands what that is and how the Book isn't what people think despite how some scriptures come off. She carefully explains spiritual politics and how the Free Will interferes with Elohim's plans and their own free will towards us, their beloved creation. Is this a easy truth to accept? For some yes, for others, perhaps not, but our hope is after you listen to this sermon, you will have a slightly better understanding as to what is going on and see how spiritual policies play a direct role in your wealth, riches and the riches that Elohim promised to their children/followers.

//Key Scripture//

Tehillim/Psalms 112: 1-3

Hebrew: “Praise Hashem. Ashrei is the ish (husband) that fearth Hashem, that delighteth greatly in his mitzvot. His zera shall be gibbor ba’aretz and the dor (generation) of the Yesharim (upright ones) shall be blessed. Wealth and osher (riches) shall be in his bais an his tzedakah endureth forever.”

English: “Praise ye the LORD Bless the man fearth the LORD. Delighteth in his commands. His seed shall be mighty upon Earth and the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches in his house and his righteousness endureth forever.”

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Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CBmx7CtwK7zwKcZVVrC2MCDo7iZ49mpE/view?usp=sharing

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