God's Appointed Times Pt 2

24 days ago

Earth's moon regulates the Biblical Sabbaths, (days wherein the plan of Redemption are fulfilled), days of celebration and rejoicing. No need to bring a sacrifice, Christ is our Passover Lamb.

Troy Miller, (Former Seventh Day Adventist), presents compelling Biblical and Historical evidence to made the case for observance of the Creation Calendar.

Ministry site: http://creationcalendar.com/
"Please Note: This is not an Adventist site. Seventh-day Adventists just happen to be the largest protestant Sabbath keeping
denomination, so several studies below are edited specifically for them. I should not have to apologiize for trying to meet people
where they are using language they understand. If you have SDA friends/family, you may find these studies helpful."

[The Everyman's Gospel channel is not monetized. Please support Troy's ministerial efforts at CreationCalendar.com]

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