Flood Starts 10/31: 2025’s ON FIRE w/Crazy High Watch Dates…1/19-1/21; 3/14-3/16; and 4/1-4/20.

1 month ago

Credits and Mentions: Watchman for that Great Day, MRMBB333, Supernatural by Design, Brother Dana, Repoman 64, Cataclysm Tony Earley, Weatherman Plus, God’s Land Down Under, Prophecy Watchers, NewNews, and SkyWatch TV

Inauguration Extravaganza.

All the watchmen are coming into alignment, with urgency, for 2025. Wormwood points to 2025, Passover points to 2025, Peace and Safety Agreement looks like it was just signed, tomorrow is the Trump Inauguration…multitudinous confirmations. My wife’s dream about the timing of the Tribulation shows Trump in office. My dream in December about an earthquake, only to be in one on January 15th. Also on Jan 15th out lights began blinking like MRMBB333’s been showing is happening all across the country. The Fog is in Tennessee, drones were over my house in Florida. And I had an epiphany about the Tarry that wraps it up with a bow.

Accept Jesus Christ this instant. Do not rely on me giving you some of my oil for your lamps…you need your own. Be ready for the Bridegroom cometh.

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