Amanda’s Prayer

1 month ago

An audio version of Amanda Grace’s prayer published on January 19th, 2025.

Almighty God we humbly come before you in the name of your precious Son Jesus Christ.

Lord we come before your Courts with thanksgiving and Praise,
saying your Kingdom Come and your will above all else be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Forgive us Lord of our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness, Lord we fall so short, however your mercies are new every single day.

Lord we Repent and turn from those things that are not pleasing or acceptable to you, we forsake those things that the enemy has used as a stumbling block to prevent us from walking in your will.

Create in us a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast spirit in us!

Cast us not away from your presence oh Lord take not your Holy Spirit From us.

Restore unto us the joy of your salvation and renew a steadfast spirit in us.

Renew our hearts and spirits in a time of consecration for us for the church and for the nation.

Thank you Lord the accursed things are being removed from our camps from the camps of Washington DC, from the camps of the Church, that we may walk in victory through Christ Jesus!

Help us Lord equip us to seek you above all to follow after you to be willing servants, here I am Lord, use Me for your Kingdom!

Today we press towards the mark of the high calling, help us to hear your voice know your voice and a strangers we will not follow, we come under your wings Lord today and take refuge.

We praise you Lord for you sit on the highest throne! In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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