Best Scene From Gods Not Dead 2 - Grace Wesley "VS" Tom Endler!

13 days ago

Tom Endler : The other night, you told me that Jesus asked you something. What did he ask you, Grace? Tell all of us. I think we deserve to know.

Tom Endler : The other night, you told me that Jesus asked you something. What did he ask you, Grace? Tell all of us. I think we deserve to know.

Grace Wesley : Why are you doing this to me?

Tom Endler : Answer the question.

Grace Wesley : They won't believe me.

Tom Endler : Doesn't matter. All that matters is that you believe it. Tell us, Grace, under penalty of perjury, what was the question that God presented to you personally that night on campus? Answer the question.


Tom Endler : Answer the question!

Grace Wesley : [tearfully] He asked, "Who do you say that I am?".

Tom Endler : And what did you answer?

Grace Wesley : "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." : Why are you doing this to me?

Tom Endler : Answer the question.

Grace Wesley : They won't believe me.

Tom Endler : Doesn't matter. All that matters is that you believe it. Tell us, Grace, under penalty of perjury, what was the question that God presented to you personally that night on campus? Answer the question.


Tom Endler : Answer the question!

Grace Wesley : [tearfully] He asked, "Who do you say that I am?".

Tom Endler : And what did you answer?

Grace Wesley : "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

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