
1 month ago

Some of my Excel sheets:

^My Excel sheets are not protected. So if you input something anywhere where you shouldn't, you will BREAK the sheet and see errors. If that happens you must download the file again to get a sheet without errors.

My Excel programs are most commonly known as "Bet Predictors". You input the shoe results, P or B, in column A, then column J predicts what the next outcome will be based on the last x number of results. Column O tells you how much to bet based on whatever money management the sheet has programmed into it. You can change the level of the bet by entering a number in column M and enter 0 to take a free hand. On the newer sheets you can enter P or B in column I to change the value of column J (which is mainly used to make a correction if the wrong side was bet on).

== Glossary ==
BEC -- Big Eye Chop
BER -- Big Eye Repeat
BEPr -- Big Eye Predictable
T2s -- Terrible Twos
40 -- If the hit rate drops below 40% the sheet will start betting the opposite of its normal bet selection.
409 -- The below 40% bet the opposite trigger, does not begin until the 9th bet. (Which is row 19 on the sheet.)
LCS -- Lazy Caterer's Sequence
LCSD2 - LCS Divided by 2
OG -- Oscar's Grind
ROG -- Reverse Oscar's Grind
D'Alem -- D'Alembert
U1D1 -- Up 1 unit after a loss, down 1 unit after a win
LD5 -- Labouchère Divided(?) by 5
3L Stop -- 3 LIAR [3 losses in a row] stop and wait for a virtual win then resume.
BSA -- Bet Size Adjustment. Betting only the minimum level required to recover to profit.
NR -- No Retreat. Go up the progression win or lose until recovery.
Pure -- A progression played without BSA or reset after recovery.
HG -- Holy Grail
GC -- Game Changer
BS -- Bet Selection
MM -- Money Management


#baccarat #gambling #excel #baccaratstrategy #betpredictor #baccaratsystem #moneymanagement #bettingsystem #gamblingsystem

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