This Is How You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

23 days ago

#Health #CoconutOil #Oil
One of Harry Belafonte’s most beloved hit songs is “Coconut Woman.” This fun song is about a coconut woman who sells coconut water, and it also sells the benefits of coconut beyond just flavor, claiming to make you as strong as a lion.

The lion part is debatable, but coconut does have a lot of benefits, and the health craze these days is using coconut oil for various health benefits. You can use it for cooking, as medicine, and to get yourself looking good.

But what is the best way to use coconut oil? This versatile oil has many ways you can use it, but this is how you can the best out of this amazing drupe.

#CoconutOil #Oil #Health

Your lotion potion | 0:00
Go deep! | 1:14
An oil cleaner? | 2:01
Armpit savior | 2:44
The balm-diggity | 3:14
Silky smooth legs | 3:40
Don't feel the burn | 4:09
Try oil-pulling | 4:54

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