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19th of January 2025 07.03
Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The Alef and Tav.

This is My son David, in whom I Am well pleased.

In this hour I Am changing the guards around the Earth.

This day of inauguration no one shall touch even a single hair on his head.

I Shall smite the enemies who have the intention to steal, kill and destroy him, but no one can stand against Me.

Yes, I will be the head of protection over My David and his family.

In this hour David you shall choose whom you will serve.

Yes, you shall Know whom I Am to you. Because you are the clay and I have formed you.

But seek to, not take any glory for yourself.

I will give you Dreams and visions and seek to it, that you will seek My counsel and My wisdom.

Yes, I have anointed you and appointed you but it doesn't mean that you are no exception when it comes to choosing Me as your King.

Many shall lose their crowns and their seats in this hour.

There are nations that have kings but no nations.

There are nations without any kings.

I Am about to make their flip flop to a flipping of the switch.

Make sure on which side you are standing in this very hour.

Pray for your marriage, your family, your community and your nations.

Keep trusting Me in the process. To stand with Me is not for the faint hearted.

I Am The blazing consuming Fire and My is like a hammer.

My promises that I gave you are a sure thing.

Matt 22:32
Ps 89:34-36
Ex 3:2
Isaiah 66:8
Joel 2:28

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