Taiji Japan - Rest of 11 pilot whale children were brutal killed

12 days ago

Taiji Japan, January 15, 2025
Bea James:
Kunito Seko bore witness to the surviving 11 members of the of the short finned PILOT WHALE family being mercilessly slaughtered today after enduring 4 days of hell at the hands of the callous and inhumane #taijiecoterrorists.. The juveniles of the family. They saw and heard their family members go to their deaths, were held over in the Cove for 3 days and nights with no food or hydration and were left in a state of acute distress.. and then they sadly lost their lives through violence...Weakened by their ordeal over those 3 awful days, they did not put up much resistance as they were herded to the shallows and under the tarps. For 3 hours these poor souls were heard struggling under the tarps as they lay dying and drowning in their own blood after being pithed.. their deceased bodies then towed out at intervals as each one breathed their last.
Now 23 members of a beautiful, sentient, bonded and gentle family who just wanted to be left to swim in their ocean home and who wanted to live, gone forever..wiped out for human greed. An entire gene pool lost.
We will not forget nor will we be silent. Their lives mattered.. Rest In the Light precious Pilot Whales we are sorry for the cruel betrayal of the humans who cost you your lives.
Another sad soss for the oceans..
They did not eat or drink for 4 days, 4 days of terror. Sad morning - Sad Day.
All the short-finned pilot whales that were trapped in Cove for 4 days were killed.
Japanese people don't know about the dark world.
The Japanese media does not report it.
The hunters made the wrong choice in life.
Rest in peace, short-finned pilot whale.

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