USA Prophet Declares WAR On Masonic illuminati Satanist 2025

1 month ago

We’ve been infiltrated and bought out by pedophiles, homosexuals, witches/warlocks, satanist etc. They’ve got us surrounded on all sides which means they can’t get away this time!!
Masonic illuminati Hive Mind VS Indestructible High Value Target 2023
I have the moral high ground. Being on the immoral low ground is a dangerous place to be. You won’t fight with the zeal and passion of someone on the moral high ground. You are nothing but rebellious, bullying teenagers trapped in adult bodies. You haven’t matured because you haven’t mastered your own fleshly desires. You are a slave to your carnal desires and that comes with being a slave to immature behavior. It takes discipline and strength to master yourself and that’s what produces maturity. Let’s see how long you would stay calm and mature going through what I did over the years (courtesy of your cult persecution.) You would dissipate like a puff of smoke. You have no spiritual foundation. Like a house built on sand, when the trials of life comes, when the storms hit, your house will crumble to powder whereas my spiritual house was built on solid rock. That’s why I’m still here and that’s why I will always be here. When I die it doesn’t mean I’m gone. It means I’m coming back with an army to evict you from my inheritance. If any of you non-elect remain on earth it will be as our servants. Isaiah 14:2 “and the people (the prophets and saints) shall take them (the satanic remnant) and bring them to their place (property). And the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and hand maids. And they (saints and prophets) shall shall take them (the remnant masons) as captives whose captives they once were (tables will be flipped) and they (saints and prophets) shall RULE over their oppressors.” One day the satanic lucky few who are still alive on earth will have the honor and privilege of mowing my lawn, taking out the trash, and picking up the dog poop as my servant. Amen. All masonic lodges will be burned down. In that time the very utterance of the word “mason” will be considered vile, immoral, and taboo. It’s the kind of filth that’s embarrassing to think about. In knowing this I walk in indestructible, rock solid confidence with my head held high, and a merry skip in my step no matter what comes my way. Life is short. One day soon you'll be living in a eternity of unfathomable regret once you realize there's no way out of the lake of fire you find yourself in. Regret is a horrible thing to live with. Let alone for eternity. The kind of regret I speak of is the kind that will eat at you like the hell worm that will be gnawing at your immortal insides for eternity as Jesus said. "....the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not..."
Mark 9:45-49 KJV
Gnaw on that for a while.

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