1 month ago

JESUS True Mission👇🏽

- The person they call Jesus Christ is a Sirian Blue Human from the Seven Higher heavens of the Andromeda galaxy who was sent to help correct 3d Timelines, and bring the true Essence teachings, Christos Templars/Stargates, and Law of One Ascension knowledge back to humanity

- He came to help repair the DNA after the Luciferian Rebellion which climaxed during Atlantean catalysm and sought to enslave humanity and earth which is still ongoing today.

- After the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion 5500 YA where the Negative Alien Agenda ripped a wormhole into Sakarra Egypt, scrambled human dna/memory, and created a false father god religion/patriachy which eventually led to the NAA via the church/political system inserting false holographic inserts, distortions and AI timelines regarding Jesus and creating false control religious dogmas/institutions when his true message was that the inner Christos is within you.

- In 7 BC the Elohim orchestrated the birth of a 9th level of Avatar to help re-integrate the DNA coding of humanity and restructure the patriarchal Templar creed to be more reflective of the Law of One

- Jesus came with a team and together under the direction of the High Lyran/Sirian together with his genetic equal and wife Mary Magdalene

- The Jeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of grid workers to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the planetary grid network and stargate system, from outside of the control of the alien invaders. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of Christos consciousness on the earth, when the Stargates finally opened during the Ascension Cycle

- The Draconians through the Vatican in Rome retaliated by distorting all the Law of One teachings he left on the earth through their satanic stronghold in Rome

- The inner Christ potential of humanity was crucified through the NAA promotion of spreading belief systems of salvation in the parameter of violent religions that require worship of blood or human sacrifice.

- The archetype of a martyr who died violent deaths was given as role models to promote violent deaths in the name of god -in reality, what happens when someone sheds blood as a sacrifice is astral chording and binding to the false ascension matrix in the astral plane

- Good news is the Universal laws of energy show that higher oscillation always will eventually entrain lower vibration - and the truth of the true message and mission of Jesus is coming forth. That the inner Christ is within you and you don’t need a middle man/religion between you and GOD. God is the energetic infrastructure that runs through all things and all people, that is in you, for you, all around you and if God is for you who can ever be against you. The Truth will set you free, and the truth is that the inner Christos is within you and is a consciousness/radio station that is available for everyone to tune in and the Universal Christ consciousness is on the rise.

Follow and watch my previous videos for more.

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